An image from an alternate poster for the film Miller's Crossing, showing Gabriel Byrne's character (holding a gun) standing over John Turturro's kneeling character


So, what’s up with

Chris these days?

Look in your heart


Look in your heart *

Seeing as how most social media is an absolute trash fire (especially X and Facebook), but I still want to give folks an opportunity to know what I’m up to, may I present to you this humble blog


46 year old white dude living in Toronto, nearly shuffled off this mortal coil in August of ‘24 due to an ST-Elevated Myocardial Infarction. This blog is mostly an opportunity to talk about my heart attack, provide updates on my health, and share musings about a number of other topics I hold near and dear (or not) to my heart.

A picture of me in the intensive care unit at Peterborough Regional Health Centre after my heart attack. I'm wearing a black t-shirt with a mock Jurassic Park logo that actually reads Billy and the Cloneasaurus, grey pants, and grey shoes